What to include on your wedding website

February 24 2021 – Mike Yarbrough

What to include on your wedding website

What to include on your wedding website

Setting up a wedding website has become an increasingly popular way for newly engaged couples to share all their essential wedding plans and details. It's not hard to see why. A wedding website is a simple and easy opportunity to keep your wedding guests informed. And with all the complex details that go into planning a wedding, nothing simple and easy should be ignored.

Why Create a Wedding Website

The advantages of a wedding website are many. In this day and age, it's the most effective way to get all the critical information out there. Plus, creating a wedding website allows you to skip sending out paper invitations, so it's greener as well. 

Perhaps the greatest advantage of having a website is that whenever someone asks you for details about your wedding, you can just refer them to the website. Think of it—no last minute calls from relatives asking for instructions or directions a week before the big day!

How to Set Up a Wedding Website

Creating your own website requires no prior knowledge of web development or computer programming; there are platforms that essentially do the work for you. Popular build-your-own-website hosts like Wix and SquareSpace are great options for setting up a wedding website. 

You can also choose among several platforms that specialize in wedding websites. WeddingWire is one such option that allows you to create a free site and take advantage of other wedding planning tools. The Knot also offers a useful platform for creating a wedding website.

Of course, making a wedding website can also be as simple as posting a Facebook event page. However, building an actual website gives you the chance to create something more stylish that  aligns with your preferred aesthetic. Besides, you don't want to exclude anyone who doesn't happen to use social media.

Are There Any Downsides?

Sure. Like anything else, wedding websites aren't for everyone. Whether or not you choose to create one is a matter of personal preference. Some couples just enjoy doing things the old-fashioned way, and some may like to have physical wedding invitations to send out or keep as souvenirs. You may also have certain friends or relatives who aren't so keen on technology, and might have a hard time using a website.

handing out paper wedding invitation

What to Include on a Wedding Website

Let's get down to details. If you've decided to create a site for your big day, the next question is what do you include on your wedding website? There are many possible answers to that question, but here are a few of the absolute must-haves: 

Who, What, Where, When

First and foremost, you need to include some basic information so your guests know what's happening, where they need to go, and when. Make sure your wedding website prominently displays these details:

  • Who is getting married
  • Where you're getting married (include the name and address of the wedding venue, as well as the reception if it's a separate location).
  • The wedding date and the time of the ceremony.
  • The RSVP date.

Once you've clearly outlined these key points—preferably in a bold, impossible-to-miss font—you can use the remainder of your wedding website to expand and offer more detail on each one.

Location Details

The wedding venue is likely the detail that most needs to be expanded upon. Your guests will need to know exactly where they're headed and your website can be an essential tool. Include a Google Maps link so there will be no doubt about guests finding their way. 


It's a good idea to include a basic timeline of your wedding day so everyone will be on the same page. You essentially want to anticipate any questions your guests might have, and answer them here so you don't have to answer them a million times over the phone. Logistical details might include:

  • Details about the ceremony and reception (Is there a dress code? How will dinner be served? Will there be celebratory drinks after? Is the ceremony or reception indoors or outdoors?)
  • Precise timings and locations for each aspect of the wedding day. 
  • If you've made any arrangements for guest transportation, be sure to include those details.
  • Parking information for the venue.
  • Any health or safety information you need to communicate (perhaps about COVID).

Registry Link and Details

If you’ve created a wedding registry, this is the place to put it! One of the best ways to avoid getting gifts that you will immediately re-gift is to tell people what you want. Your friends and family want to show you both their love, so why not let them? If you’ve created an alternative wedding registry, like a honeymoon fund or charitable donation site link, list the details on your wedding website so it is easy for people to follow. 

RSVP Information

Your wedding website will be tremendously helpful when finalizing your guest list. Include a place on the website where guests can RSVP (and re-emphasize the date by which they must do so). If you're offering different food options, or would like guests to inform you of any dietary restrictions, this is a good section to include it in. 

In addition to setting up a wedding website, planning a wedding also involves picking out the right wedding rings! Our live chat team is standing by to help you start designing your perfect custom wedding ring.
