Lovely in Lavender
Lavender has been known to symbolize purity, grace, devotion and serenity.We use multiple kinds of lavender flowers in our rings, each with its own unique appearance. Provence lavender, also known as French Lavender, creates a delicate, flecked pattern of purple, gold and green when preserved within the ring. Another kind, known as sea lavender, produces a bolder, more vivid purple color. We also have a mixture of both for those who can’t choose which they like best!
A Rose is a Rose is a Beautiful Ring
Roses have long stood as a symbol for love and beauty. We blend them with gold flakes to give them that little extra radiance to the design. This stunning ring is made from rosewood and features an inlay made of crushed rose petals and gold flakes between two gold inlays, as well as a pink ivory liner.
Interested in using unique or memorable flower petals in your design?
Have flower petals from your wedding? Want to incorporate your favorite blooms into your ring design? We love to incorporate meaning into our rings, but not every floral works quite how we'd like it to in a ring design. If you are interested in using unique or memorable florals, check out our requirements for sending in florals or contact our team for assistance.
Floral Requirements